Auto Clock Assembly

About this product

The Auto Clock Assembly (#SU003-04586), an integral part of Toyota's Switch & Relay & Computer system, is paramount in providing accurate time readings while the vehicle is in operation. As an electrical part, it works in harmony with the vehicle's main computer, displaying the correct time for the driver's convenience. Periodic replacement of this part is essential, as an aging or faulty Auto Clock Assembly (#SU003-04586) can lead to inaccurate time readings, potentially causing inconvenience to the driver. Genuine Toyota parts are essential here, as they offer full compatibility with the vehicle and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Auto Clock Assembly (#SU003-04586) greatly enhances the efficiency of the entire system, providing accurate time readings that can aid drivers in their travel scheduling or time management while on the road. This, in turn, contributes to a safer and more enjoyable driving experience.