Balance Weight 60

About this product

The Balance Weight 60 (#SU00300706), a crucial component in the Drive-Chassis/Disc Wheel & Wheel Cap systems of Toyota vehicles, plays a pivotal role in maintaining equilibrium and stability while the vehicle is in motion. It works by evenly distributing the rotational mass around the axle, ensuring smooth wheel rotation and reduced vibration. Like all components, the Balance Weight 60 (#SU00300706) can deteriorate over time, resulting in unbalanced wheels, increased tire wear, and an uncomfortable ride. Replacing worn-out Balance Weight ensures smooth and safe rides. Genuine Toyota Balance Weight 60 (#SU00300706) is engineered specifically for Toyota vehicles, providing matchless compatibility and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Remember, regular replacement of Balance Weight 60 (#SU00300706) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle, ensuring a smooth and stable ride.