Flange Bolt

About this product

The Toyota Flange Bolt (#90105A0156), a vital component in the Drive-Chassis/Rear Spring & Shock Absorber system, plays a primary role of holding these key components together securely. In operation, the Flange Bolt (#90105A0156) withstands the dynamic forces generated by the vehicle's motion, maintaining a solid connection between the rear spring and shock absorber. If a Flange Bolt (#90105A0156) becomes worn or damaged, the secure connection can become compromised, leading to instability and potential safety risks. It is thus crucial to replace this part periodically. Genuine Toyota Flange Bolt (#90105A0156)s are recommended for vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's parts warranty. Finally, a well-maintained Flange Bolt (#90105A0156) contributes significantly towards the overall operational efficiency and safety of the vehicle's suspension system.