Flange Bolt with Washer

About this product

The Flange Bolt with Washer (#9167380818), a crucial component in Toyota's Body/Rear Seat & Seat Track and Electrical/Hev Inverter systems, secures parts together by providing strong, unwavering hold. As the systems operate, this bolt, with its integrated washer, delivers steadfast stability, reliably preventing components from loosening or shifting. Over time, however, it may suffer wear or damage, potentially leading to part instability or dislodgment. Replacing the Flange Bolt with Washer (#9167380818) isn't merely advisable—it's essential. An aged or broken bolt can result in component displacement, compromising system operation and vehicle safety. Genuine Toyota parts, including this bolt, are compatible with your vehicle and supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Flange Bolt with Washer (#9167380818) is vital for maintaining system efficiency and safety.