Brake Pedal Support Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Brake Pedal Support Sub-Assembly (#55106-47050), a Drive-Chassis part within the Brake Pedal & Bracket system, carries a critical role in the operation of your Toyota vehicle. As the mainstay of the brake pedal system, this sub-assembly provides stable support allowing your brake pedal to function effectively and smoothly. This component has to undergo periodic replacement as aging, wear and tear can lead to malfunction or complete breakage. If not replaced timely, it can result in compromised brake functioning, posing a significant risk to your vehicle’s safety. Genuine parts like these are essential for optimal vehicle compatibility and come with the added assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Overall, the Brake Pedal Support Sub-Assembly (#55106-47050) enhances the efficiency of your braking system, contributing to your vehicle's safety and performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55106-47050

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