Plate Washer

About this product

The Plate Washer (#9461111001), a vital component of Toyota's Drive-Chassis/Clutch Pedal & Flexible Hose and the Drive-Chassis/Parking Brake & Cable systems, plays a pivotal role in securing and evenly distributing the load of mechanical assemblies. The Plate Washer (#9461111001) interplays with other components to function optimally, facilitating fluid motion and effective braking. Over time, the Plate Washer (#9461111001) may wear or become damaged, necessitating replacement. If not replaced, a worn or damaged Plate Washer (#9461111001) could compromise the vehicle's braking system, leading to potential safety risks. Genuine Toyota Plate Washer (#9461111001)s are not only compatible with Toyota vehicles but also covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Plate Washer (#9461111001) significantly contributes to the operational efficiency and safety of the vehicle, reinforcing the stability of key systems and ensuring smooth and secure driving.