Plate Washer

About this product

The Plate Washer (#9461241001), a crucial component in Toyota's Engine-Fuel/Timing Gear Cover & Rear End Plate and Body/Cab Mounting & Body Mounting systems, plays a pivotal role in fastening components securely. During operation, it provides a broader bearing surface that distributes the load of a threaded fastener, such as a bolt or nut, preventing potential damage to the assembly parts. Genuine Toyota Plate Washer (#9461241001)s help ensure vehicle compatibility, and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If the Plate Washer (#9461241001) becomes worn, broken, or non-functional, it can compromise the stability and safety of the system it is part of, leading to potential mechanical failure. Periodically replacing the Plate Washer (#9461241001) is, therefore, vital to maintain the system's efficiency and safety.